Parents’ Aspirations

Parents desire a pleasant life for their children,

A life, full of happiness and joy, where sorrow and misery can’t touch their child.

A life, full of comforts and security, where discomfort and fear can’t haunt their child.

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Dream house

Having a big and beautiful house is not a problem, 

The problem is not being able to live in it peacefully.  

If you are able to live peacefully within yourself, 

Then whether the house is big or small, 

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A Company worth having

Being in the company of someone

With whom there is no difference between 

Being alone and being with that person,

With whom you don’t have to compromise your true nature, 

With whom you are you, and they are they, 

With whom there are no judgments, no fears, 

With whom there is only undefinable calmness and love, 

Is the only close company worth having. 

Call yourself blessed if you find that one. 

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A Rare Friend

A friend is one whose presence doesn’t make you uncomfortable,

Where you don’t need to be shy or guilty about anything,

Where you don’t have to wear a mask and pretend to be one that he likes,

You can be you, they can be them.

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“Work hard,” they say,

And forget the play!

“Become great,” they say,

And change your way!

“Hope for the best,” they say,

Continue reading Play
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