Parents desire a pleasant life for their children,
A life, full of happiness and joy, where sorrow and misery can’t touch their child.
A life, full of comforts and security, where discomfort and fear can’t haunt their child.
A life, full of pleasures and achievements, where pain and struggle can’t hurt their child.
With the purest intentions, a human can have for another human,
Parents strive to decide the destiny of their children.
Without understanding the truth of life,
Parents strive to guide/educate their children,
To make their child more than who they have ever been.
More successful,
More disciplined,
More healthy
An ideal that the whole society can look up to.
An ideal that they themselves struggled to match in society,
An ideal that every parent desires in their child.
Without understanding the origin of these ideals in their minds,
Parents attempt to mold their children in the familiar ideal mold,
Which they were molded into,
By their parents,
By their environment,
By society,
By their pursuits.
Believing themselves to be the decision makers,
Parents repeat the history in the present.
The origin they never questioned was nothing other than the conditionings of their own minds.
The origin of conditionings of the mind is nothing other than what one is exposed to in their life.
The origin of this exposure is nothing other than the common norms followed, taught, and celebrated in society.
The origin of societal norms is nothing other than the ego that lives within each human being that wants to prove its supremacy.
The origin of the ego is nothing other than a function of the mind which keeps one attached with,
All the emotions it feels,
All the discriminations it makes,
All the thoughts it creates,
All the memories it carries,
All the desires it wants.
Mind rules the life of a human, as it neglects to be a tool of consciousness which is you.
The minds of the parents,
Which overtook their real identity,
Which kept them from truly living,
Which took away all their attention,
Which ruled them for their lives,
Is now attempting to condition another mind and rule the life of their innocent child.
A human enslaved by its own mind,
Regardless of its intentions,
In any relationship,
In any role, they play,
Will perform all its actions from the conditionings of its mind,
Which cannot do good (be pure) for the other human.
Parents have a great responsibility for an innocent life developing under their guidance and protection.
To play the role of parents with utmost purity,
For the beautiful intentions they have toward their child,
They must first examine their own mind, their own master,
Its nature, its conditionings, its patterns, its tendencies.
As good intentions can only result in good actions,
If one understands the cause behind the right actions.
The cause is much deeper than just having pure intentions.
Good intentions must be aligned with the truth and clarity,
For them to produce equally good actions.
Truth brings clarity,
Which cannot come to the lenses
limited by past exposure,
conditioned by the masses and society,
And influenced by the ego of the mind.
It can only come to the seeker, the one who can accept reality the way it truly exists, with no interference from intellectual judgments.
Parents who understand their own minds,
Can patiently observe their child with a clear lens,
And examine, without the judgments of the mind:
Who the child individually is in his purest form?
What does he like?
What does he do most of his time?
What is he inclined towards?
What he absolutely hates?
What he absolutely craves for?
Which natural talents do he possess?
What makes him curious?
Where does his attention get stuck?
What type of behavior does he expect from himself?
What type of environment is conducive for him?
What type of qualities does he look for in his friends?
What self image he carries in his head?
What type of patterns does he naturally carry?
What causes him to behave in a certain way?
The pure nature of a child can only be revealed by silently observing,
His subtle innocent acts,
His purity in his playful pursuits,
His reactions to certain situations, and
His constant urge to explore something.
Parents, free from the ego of their mind and discriminations of their intellect, will nurture the innate nature of their child without wishing for a different version of naturalness for the child.